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Counterfeit Security
Counterfeit Security
Beware of counterfeits!
We have found FAKE websites imitating Philippine Wacoal trying to deceive customers into purchasing counterfeit Wacoal products. Some even claim that their products are from Japan Wacoal and use images of Wacoal’s 50th anniversary. The Wacoal Group is seriously pursuing the perpetrators.

We call upon the public to pay attention to where you are purchasing Wacoal products. Do not be lured by special offers and high discounts. Philippine Wacoal is not responsible for any damages or consequences that may arise from the purchase or use of counterfeit product/s.
Please note that the official Wacoal online sales will only come from:
Facebook: PhilippineWacoalCorp
Facebook: WacoalDirectSales
Instagram: WacoalPh
Zalora: Wacoal
Lazada: Wacoal Ph
Shopee: Wacoal PH
For your safety, we will continue to take decisive steps toward eliminating counterfeit products, including legal action.
We ask the support of our loyal Wacoal customers to inform us immediately if you see these fake Wacoal sites. Please contact us at the following:
Facebook: PhilippineWacoalCorp
Telephone: (02) 8884-1517
Email: web.order@wacoal.ph
Return and Exchange
Any product bought from unauthorized distribution platforms are deemed as counterfeit therefore is not entitled to be exchanged and/or refunded by Philippine Wacoal Corp.